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Book your place for our 2022 Open Events

Pupils in a Chemistry lesson

We are delighted to launch our Open Event dates for the 2022-2023 Autumn Term! You are warmly invited to join us to discover how we inspire, develop and support our pupils.

The upcoming Open Events are:

Senior School and Sixth Form Open Events

You will be able to take a tour of the school, meet staff and existing pupils and ask any questions you have regarding life at Stockport Grammar School.

Sixth Form Centre in use

There will be a wide range of activities taking place in the academic departments, sports matches and demonstrations along with talks by the Headmaster, Dr Paul Owen. When tours are complete, we invite you to join us for refreshments and the opportunity to chat with senior members of staff.

Year Three, Reception and Nursery Open Morning

You will experience important aspects of life at Stockport Grammar Junior School with the opportunity to take a tour and to speak to senior members of staff and Headmaster Mr Matthew Copping. We look forward to showing you how our latest building projects, including our new purpose-built Nursery classroom and additional outdoor play and learning spaces, create a sense of adventure and exploration for our pupils.

If you have any questions about Open Events, please contact Mrs Atenyam on If you are unable to attend an Open Event, we would be delighted to show you around on an individual family school day tour. Tour bookings can be made by contacting Mrs Arrowsmith on