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GCSE historians attend captivating Holocaust survivor talk

Holocaust survivor Tomi Komoly delivers a talk

To mark Holocaust Memorial Day, the History department invited a Holocaust survivor in to talk to Fourth and Fifth Years.

Tomi Komoly talked to the pupils about his life during, and after, the Second World War. Tomi was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1936 and came to Britain as a refugee in 1956 thanks to a scholarship from Glasgow’s Strathclyde University.

When Hungary came under the control of the German Army in 1944, Tomi’s life was changed dramatically. His father was required to sell his business and forced to join a labour unit of the Hungarian Army. Tomi never saw his father again after 1944.

His talk was followed by a range of questions from historians across both year groups.

Tomi enjoyed his time at Stockport Grammar and commented on how respectful our students were and what great questions they asked.

We look forward to inviting the Holocaust Educational Trust in again in 2024.