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New Sixth Form and Nursery buildings

Sixth Form Centre in use

Pupils at Stockport Grammar School have been enjoying some fantastic new facilities with developments for both the youngest Nursery children and the oldest in Sixth Form. This follows recent redevelopment work in the Junior School.


The new single-storey Nursery building, complete with exciting new play areas and an eco-friendly living green roof, sits within the grounds of the Junior School.

Nursery pupils playing outside

Junior School Headmaster Mr Matthew Copping said: “Our new Nursery facilities provide an amazing learning environment both within the classroom and outdoors.

“The large bi-fold doors mean that indoor and outdoor learning blends seamlessly giving access to a huge range of learning opportunities including a mud kitchen, huge covered sandpit, water play and our woodland area.

“Our Nursery provision is very much focused on developing a thirst for learning and encouraging curiosity in children.

“The stimulating environment is a fantastic place for the children to begin their learning journey at SGJS.”

Nursery pupils at the water station

The children’s education is overseen by qualified and experienced teachers and Nursery assistants, who work with the children to encourage them to explore, discover and learn.

The busy, exciting and varied programme also includes specialist Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Dance and PE sessions, along with weekly swimming lessons in the school pool, again taken by specialist teachers.

Sixth Form

It’s not just the younger children who can enjoy new facilities.

The Sixth Form students also have a new modern space to call their own, featuring a large social space with a stunning glass roof, study rooms and a café.

The café, called Edmond’s, is named after the School’s foundation in 1487 by Sir Edmond Shaa who was Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths’ Company, Lord Mayor of London and Court Jeweller to three kings of England.

Senior School Headmaster Dr Paul Owen said: “We are absolutely delighted by the success of our new Sixth Form facilities.

“They were designed with a great deal of input from our wonderful Sixth Form pupils and have transformed the space.

“We now have excellent social facilities to promote mixing between the Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth pupils as well as a stylish café area and some fantastic study and work spaces.

“The students have warmly welcomed the developments which support their academic endeavours as well as reinforcing the sense of community that underlies Stockport Grammar School.”

Junior School

The Junior School building has undergone a number of impressive redevelopments and improvements.

There is an entirely new roof for the main building and, thanks to an extension to the front of the building, the changing rooms have doubled in size and there is a new canopy attached to the side of the Junior School Hall.

The Hall – which hosts assemblies, visiting speakers, authors, theatre companies and indoor sports and activities such as dance and yoga – has also been refurbished.

The Quad, which a number of classrooms look out on, has had a makeover – supported by a donation by the Stopfordian Parents’ Association. It has been landscaped with artificial lawns that will provide an all-year-round play surface for pupils.