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Outstanding work displayed at Art Exhibition

Visitors and artists at the 2024 A Level and GCSE Art Exhibition

Visitors to the 2024 A Level and GCSE Art Exhibition were presented with an outstanding collection of work made by pupils in the Fifth Year and Upper Sixth that marked the culmination of two years of study.

Both courses offer pupils the opportunity to develop a personal response to a range of starting points, as well as the opportunity to explore media and techniques freely safe in the knowledge that making mistakes and changing direction at a mid-point are part of the learning process and often lead to more accomplished resolved work.

The department encourages pupils to develop a broad understanding of the subject, and practical work is supported by a deeper contextual understanding, necessary to negotiate the broader relevance art has in society.

Pupils had responded to traditional subject matter such as the still life, portraiture, movement and architecture, as well as more unusual and sometimes challenging subject matter, and a range of media and techniques were employed successfully, including drypoint and lino prints, collagraphs, silk painting, ceramics, 3D and photography.

The positive feedback from the evening was richly deserved and the pupils can be proud of the effort that went into making such a fabulous show.