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Class Representatives

Santa with his elves at the 2022 SPA Christmas Fair

The Junior School operates a system of class parent representatives.

At least one parent from each class is encouraged to act as a class rep.  The class reps act as a link between the SPA and the parents in the class and also as a point of contact between parents in the class, often coordinating a class contact list to facilitate this.

Organising events

One of the main responsibilities of the class reps is to help to organise the year group stalls at the Christmas and Summer fairs.  This has proved to be very successful (and good fun!) over the last few years with a fantastic variety of stalls and lots of input by the children and parents of the classes.

Money raised at the fairs is usually split between SPA funds (for school enrichment projects) and external charities including the Salvation Army and the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust.

The class reps organise activities for the children, such as school discos, cinema and bowling nights as well as charity fundraising events, for example a joke book for Comic Relief, a poetry book for EducAid and a bounceathon for Dr Barnardos as well as tea towel and Christmas card projects to raise funds for additional school resources.

Social events

Class reps also arrange social events for the parents of their class or year group, such as coffee mornings and meals out as well as family events like a family rounders competition! Class reps are as active as they and the parents in their class want them to be.

Become a class rep

Being a class rep is a great way to get to know the parents in your child’s class and other parents who are also class reps and to get involved in the life of the school.

If you are interested in becoming a class rep or contacting your child’s form’s rep, please email

Download the SPA Welcome and Registration Pack (pdf)