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Biodiversity is about caring for all plants, animals and insects.

The current situation:

  • The work of the school’s Ground Staff already keeps the environment in mind:
    • They avoid blanket pesticide spraying and use organic soil-feeding composts/mulches rather than synthetic plant fertilisers
    • They are migrating to battery power kit and creating more permanent planting schemes
  • Year 3 children look for seeds around the school grounds and at home when learning about seed dispersal
  • Year 5 children look around the school grounds looking for different plant species
  • Year 3’s Nature Club made their own plant pots, planted seeds, and went on a bug hunt
  • Year 5 took part in ‘Grow Your Own Potatoes’ as part of their Science work on life cycles
  • We have planted new trees along the A6 to help protect air quality
  • Animal Club is run in the Senior School
  • Increase planting around the school of wildlife-encouraging plants
  • We have installed habitats around the school for a range of animals, including birds, bats, and hedgehogs
  • We have made fat ball bird feeders which have been put up around the school grounds
  • Meet with Grounds staff to discuss a wildlife area near the Nursery building
  • Planted trees donated by the woodland trust for the Queen’s Jubilee
  • The Junior School has run a competition to design a wildlife friendly space in the school’s courtyard
  • We took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Bird Watch 2023

Animal Club - girl with animal

Our plans:

  • Run a competition to build a bug house
  • Run a Gardening Club in the Summer term
  • Take part in ‘What’s under your feet’
  • Sunflower growing competition
  • Harvest seeds from flowers grown at school to make seed paper which can be given to the local community

What could be done at home:

  • Create habitats for wildlife in gardens
  • Use this recipe to create a fat cake for birds
  • Follow what we are doing at school
  • Keep areas in your gardens which are ‘wild’ – plant bee friendly plants, build bug houses/put up boxes.