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Talks and Presentations

Author M A Bennett poses for a photo with pupils

As part of our academic extension activities we offer a wide range of talks by visiting speakers, Stockport Grammar School staff and pupils themselves. Pupils who would like to offer a talk should contact Mr Thorley, Ms Pazos or Mr Swann. All pupils are welcome to attend (free of charge).

Spotlight On…

‘Spotlight On…’ talks generally take place on Tuesday and Friday during term time in the Library with a start time of 1.05pm.

The table below shows the talks and presentations for the 2023-2024 academic year. More speakers will be announced soon.

Date Speaker(s) Topic
28th September 2023 Priya Burrow, Lower Sixth The British Empire – A History Of Exploitation
5th October 2023 Mr Stone, Head of Sixth Form Hitler: Totalitarian Autocrat Or A ‘Lazy Dictator’
9th November 2023 Luca Scorer, Third Year The Problems With Interstellar Travel (And How To Fix Them)
30th November 2023 Mr Swann, Head of Philosophy Philosopher Raymond Geuss (Not Thinking Like A Liberal)
7th December 2023 May Nassar, Anjali Abraham, Evie Poor, Serena Grierson, Sixth Formers Honduras Trip Review
26th January 2024 Enoch Ajayi, James Hood and Matthew Scott, Lower Sixth Are Athletes Morally Responsible For Injuring Someone?
2nd February 2024 Edward Griffiths, Lower Sixth Queer History
20th February 2024 Emily Howling, Former Pupil (OS 2017) CERN
23rd February 2024 Sachin Gholkar and Serena Grierson, Lower Sixth The Real Physics Behind Teleportation
1st March 2024 Millie Gallimore, Upper Sixth The EPQ And Her Findings On Microbial Resistance
22nd March 2024 Priya Burrow, Lower Sixth Imperial Institutions
19th April 2024 Ahmed Haj and Ahnaf Rahman, Lower Sixth NHS Privatisation
21st June 2024 Faye Sanders, Former Pupil (OS 2019) My Journey To A PhD In Psychology

Visiting Speakers

A number of well-known and up-and-coming authors, poets, writers and speakers also visit the school to introduce their work, talk about their inspirations and to take workshops with our pupils.

The table below shows the visiting speakers for the 2023-2024 academic year. More visiting speakers will be announced soon.

Date Speaker Information
12th October 2023 Harry Potter Book Day Quiz in the Library
16th November 2023 Peter Davies, artist Painting The Zeitgeist
17th November 2023 Nigel Booth, Governor Careers In Law
23rd November 2023 Phil Earle, author Event is for First Years. Sessions take place in Periods 2, 3 and 4. There will be a book signing at lunch from around 1-1.30pm.
27th March 2024 Abigail Dean, author and Old Stop Book Launch
TBC (June/July) Richard Lake (Planetarium) The event is for First Year and Lower Sixth students